STABILO CarbOthello pastel pencils
STABILO CarbOthello is a chalk pastel coloured pencil range available in up to 60 colours. With its wonderfully dry and dusty stroke it is just like a chalk pastel in pencil format. It’s very popular with artists, art students and people with creative hobbies. High pigmentation guarantees great luminosity and opacity as well as colour fastness and colour brilliance especially on dark backgrounds and delicate papers. It can be sharpened to a very fine point which make it ideal for detail. Colours can be dry mixed and blended which makes colouring more fun and special.
Showing all 66 results
STABILO CarbOthello Titanium white 100
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Ivory 105
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Grey white 110
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Neutral yellow 205
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Orange yellow 210
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Indian yellow 215
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Orange 221
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Vermillion red tone 305
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Carmine red 310
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Carmine red middle 311
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Carmine red deep 325
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Purple 330
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Magenta 335
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello 365 Violet light
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Violet deep 385
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Prussian blue 390
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Parisian blue 400
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Ultramarine 405
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Cobalt blue 425
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Ultramarine middle 430
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Ultramarine light 435
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Sky blue 440
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Cyan blue 450
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Turquoise blue 460
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Green 530
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Green light 545
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Leaf green pale 560
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Leaf green middle 570
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Leaf green 575
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Olive green 585
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Viridian matt 590
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Leaf green deep 595
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Raw umber 610
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Dark ochre 615
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Burnt ochre 620
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Burnt umber 625
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Bister 635
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Caput mortuum violet 640
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Caput morttum violet light 642
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Caput mortuum red 645
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello English red deep 655
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Burnt Sienna 670
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello French red ochre 675
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Terracotta 680
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Apricot 681
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Light ochre 685
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Golden ochre 690
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Golden ochre light 692
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Naples yellow 695
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Warm grey 1 700
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Warm grey 3 704
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Warm grey 4 706
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Warm grey 5 708
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Cold grey 1 720
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Cold grey 2 722
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Cold grey 3 724
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Cold grey 4 726
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Neutral black 750
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Lamp black 760
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Payne’s grey 770
£1.98 -
STABILO CarbOthello Sharpener
£2.96 -
STABILO CarbOthello Tin of 12
£24.91 -
STABILO CarbOthello Tin of 24
£49.82 -
STABILO CarbOthello Tin of 36
£74.74 -
STABILO CarbOthello Tin of 48
£105.49 -
STABILO CarbOthello Tin of 60